Nailin' It Down

Progress report on the recording of what will become The Fragile

By David Browne for Entertainment Weekly on August 1, 1997

Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor, currently bunkered in a New Orleans funeral home that's been converted into a recording studio, says the NIN album (due in early '98) will hold a few surprises for fans of the band's patented raise-the-dead cacophony. "I'm trying to get out of the confined guitar-bass-drum rock-band formula," says Reznor, who's working with a collaborator, NIN guitarist Danny Lohner, for the first time. Although he's been soaking his ears in techno, Reznor says the new material "doesn't sound like what's happening in clubs now--I'm trying to make an old Prince record, I think."

Transcribed by Keith Duemling

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